Oct 29, 2007
Aaahhhh...the Fascination
Oct 24, 2007
What's the deal with your Stretch Marks?
Have you ever been asked that question?
Mortifying, isn't it?
But I was asked it just this morning. And yesterday. And twice on Sunday. I was asked about my Stretch Marks, or rather, why my blog title has changed to Stretch Marks. (You didn't honestly think I meant actual Stretch Marks did you? How tacky.)
Here's why the change.
When I created this blog I was sitting in my living room chair (aka my "Vestal" chair. Which is what all my friends call it, since it's the biggest and best chair in my living room and no matter who comes over I sit in it - because it's mine. Kind of like on all those old Gaither Homecoming videos and Vestal Goodman was the only one sitting in a throne chair down front while everyone else crouched together on some cheap riser). Anyway, I was trying desperately to come up with a name.
I begged David to help me think of something but he would occasionally just throw out random words like, "announcer", "yardage", "throw" and "Cowboy" as he stared intently at Monday Night Football. I know now those were not options for my Blog title but rather words that apparently go with this game he continues to be obsessed with. Since he was being absolutely no help to me at all I did what usually works, I gave him an impassioned "hmph." Still, he was unmoved.
I sighed deeper. Louder. To no avail.
Finally giving up I put my computer to the side, got up from my "Vestal chair" walked in to the kitchen and declared, "Where's the cookie dough?"
Viola! A blog name was born.
But alas, it was the blog name that could never be. No, it isn't already taken. It's that I'm joining Weight watchers tomorrow and the last thing I want to see every day is the words Cookie Dough spread across my computer. But what will indeed keep me motivated to "count those points" is if I see the words Stretch Marks plastered across it. Yep, that should do the trick.
And then lastly...Two years ago I received a card from a friend that absolutely brightened the living daylights out of my sorry ole' day. I laughed and laughed and laughed. This was a pretty sad time in my life and so cards were coming in my mailbox every day, but this one was different. And what was so great was that it wasn't what the card had said, but what she had written in the card that made it so wonderful. And it was right then and there that I decided I wanted to write a line of greeting cards for Dayspring / Hallmark greeting cards.
Has she lost her mind? You may be asking.
No, I have not.
For you see my husband (who shall heretofore be known by his pet name, "The Attorney General") has a wonderful and longstanding relationship with Hallmark since they are now distributing a line of greeting cards from one of the musical artists he manages.
So if ever there were connections, baby, we got 'em!!
And I have decided that if a person is really down. I mean way down...down in the dumps and can't get out of bed down...then the last thing they want to see is two furry kittens reciting the Lord's prayer.
Or a kite flying in a gentle breeze while the clouds spell out a Psalm.
Or a little lost lamb being carried on Ziggy's shoulders.
That doesn't make us feel better.
What's the old saying? LAUGHTER is the best medicine. Make us laugh. Make us have to get out of bed for fear that we'll wet on ourselves. That's the kind of card I want. So the Attorney Generals advice?? Write them. Give him the ideas and he'll pass them on to the card company. Have I done that yet? Nope. But when I do Stretch Marks is going to be the name of my card line.
Sometimes it's difficult to send a card. We forget to buy one. Or we don't like any of the ones we see. We put it off because we don't have their address, or we're out of stamps. But sometimes a card is just what somebody needs. Email is nice, but knowing something arrived just for you - with your name on it. Well, that can solve a world of hurt. Yeah, it's sometimes a STRETCH (see where I'm going with this?) but we still make the effort to do it. But I'm also going to call it that because the line will be devoted to women, what makes us laugh, what makes us tick, what ticks us off, etc.
And what is one thing we know much about?
You guessed it.
Stretch marks.
So until I actually have a card line that I can call Stretch Marks I'm going to call my blog that! Mainly, because I just think it's so darn cute. Of course I should probably go online and actually look up what Stretch Marks really are. I here a lot of women have them, but of course, that's not something I would know anything about. (Tomorrow's blog is dedicated entirely to why I lie so much.)
Oct 23, 2007
The Golden Girls
Having girlfriends is one of God's greatest gifts. Seriously, it's His way of making up for that whole PMS thing.
But something happens when a little girl becomes a lady. Friendships aren't based off of favorite colors anymore. The thing that brings women together is no longer their plans to marry two guys from New Kids on the Block and live side by side.
Oct 15, 2007
Five Crazy Ladies in need of a good Monkey

- I was created to lead in worship. That I know.
- I have a testimony to tell; my story - His glory, right?. That I am sure of.
- And I will be in disobediance if I don't finish the book I have started and stopped ten times now. I am sure of that.
Oct 12, 2007
HARPO spelled backwards is...
How many of you can say your phone rang today and your caller I.D. said "Harpo Studios??"

16 Things She's Taught Me in 16 Months.

Oct 10, 2007
Breaking Bread with Miss America
Boy, talk about your High School moments all over again.
I had lunch across from a beauty queen today.
No, seriously. I did.
Suddenly I was transported back to April 3rd, 1990, 11:47am, Hudson High School cafeteria. The prettiest girl in our grade pulls up a chair across from me. This is not intimidating to me, of course, for I am full of pep, personality, zeal and charisma. And as we all know, those things are important in High School. NOT!
I am intimidated. Why?
Becuse I always seem to get the most tickled when there is food rolling around in my mouth.
If ranch dressing drips down my hand I never got the concept of "wipe it off". I lick it.
And I always...always...spill something on myself.
And so, on that third day of April 1990 I sat across from her.
And yes, I spilled. And no, she didn't.
And yes, I used too much mayonnaise. While she used none.
And yes, I caught the ranch dressing rolling down my palm with my tongue, while she never soaked her fries in ranch dressing at all.
And yes, I went to English Lit. with taco meat on my vest...but it's all okay.
As my granny says, "who cares. you'll still go to heaven happy."
I have no clue what that even means.
But there I was today. Sitting across from another beauty queen. A real live beuty queen. Not like the girl I went to school with (who rumor has it worked at Kohl's for four weeks before she slipped in the bathroom and got worker's comp which she used to open up a tanning salon that eventually went belly-up but not before she went belly-up, if you get my meaning.) I chuckle lightly to myself.
No, today's beauty queen was Miss America.
A real live Miss America. And she made a sandwich for me. And we ate together. And yeah, I think I laughed with my mouth open while she kept her elbows off the table.
And yes, I think she saw me pick that piece of cheese up off the table and eat it while she politely wiped her mouth with her napkin.
And so what if sweet tea dribbled down my chin while she cut her sandwich into fourths?
We had a nice time. She's wonderful and secure and could care less that she ever was a beauty queen.
And me? I'm perfectly happy - after all, I am full of pep, personality, zeal and charisma. And while that may not count for much when your 15 it sure makes people want to have you over for lunch when your 30.
Oct 9, 2007
I will tell you what I know, but first things first, where's the cookie dough?
David Radke has wanted me to start a blog for over a year now.
Translation: David is sick of me buying expensive journals and then writing my grocery list in them.
David Radke says I will enjoy it, he says I am a good writer.
Translation: David thinks blogging is cheaper than therapy.
David Radke wants to know if I am going to write about "funny" things or "spiritual" things?
Translation: David wants to know if I am going to write about him.
David Radke wants me to come up with a really clever title that describes who I am and shows my maturity and depth.
Translation: David is driving me crazy tonight and I would pay $1,000 for a cookie log.
David Radke says blogs are a good idea if I want to share my deep, spiritual thoughts or some daily devotionals that I write.
Translation: David hopes I don't embarress him.
David had best not read my blog.
Oh yeah, this is going to be fun.