1. So I just finished watching The Real Housewives of New Jersey (season 2) finale and can I just say..............I love that show. It is as gaudy and outlandish as I am. I never thought I'd say these words, but I'm pretty sure that had God not given me the great privilege of being born in Texas He would have had me born in Jersey. I feel right at home watching that show. Please talk to me if you like it. Because I really need someone to agree with me on what a nut-job Danielle is. Oh, and because I have absolutely nothing else going on, I took the What Housewife of New Jersey Are You quiz, on Bravotv.com, and I'm Dina (thank the sweet Lord.)

2. Rocco is turning 2 in a week and all I can think about are those horrific video clips they show at the opening of Super Nanny each week of the kids she's going to tame, and there's always that one boy who throws himself down in the grocery store or ties a cat to the front of a car. I'm not gonna lie, a 2 year old boy scares me. Is it is hard as I'm imagining it to be? Because up to this point he's been a dream, but I'm gonna be honest, he's starting to show some tendencies toward juvenile delinquency. He's just so darn cute that I'm thinking he could tie a cat to a car and who would notice as long as he was batting those eyelashes. See? Already, I'm in trouble.
3. I am on day 13 of no sodas. I hesitate to say "no caffeine" because I don't seem to be as addicted to caffeine, per say, as I am to sodas. In other words, I don't have to have a Starbucks every day or a coffee every day - but I had gotten to the point where I was drinking a Dr. Pepper every day. Isn't that horrible? So I am on day 13 and I've already lost 12 pounds. Ha! Ha! Not really, in fact, I'm thinking of starting to take up Coke again simply because if I'm still gonna be fat I'm at least gonna be fat and quenched.