When you are the mother of two little ones, "girls nights out" are few and far between. Can I get a "whatwhat" from some of my stay-at-home compadres?
And to be perfectly honest...pull in closely here, if I say this too loudly I am sure to be banned from all women's events from here on out...sometimes, sometimes, they are a tad overrated.
Sometimes I don't want to spend $40 on just my meal so we can eat out at the hippest place in town. I mean honestly, people, I ate a Lean Cuisine, some Mandarin Oranges and 3 M&M's I found on the floor, for lunch. I'm not a hard gal to impress.
Oftentimes I don't want to spend 8 hours looking in my closet for something to wear. I am not Carrie Bradshaw; I ain't even close. Don't make me go out and look like I am. If I had my druthers I would wear those stretchie pants that have the paint and spit-up on them and my dad's red T-shirt that he lent to me when I was in the 11th grade.
I don't want to have to hire a sitter and spray on Chanel and get my hair all teased up. Okay, that's a lie. I'll pretty much tease my hair up for anything...you don't even have to ask.
Now granted, sometimes these things are nice. Sometimes they are tons of fun and I'm glad I went. But more often that not...
I just want to go to a movie in the middle of the day with some of my favorite girls and it be completely unexpected and impulsive.
I want us to all get our own popcorn and our own Dr. Pepper's because we hate sharing!
I want to wear my comfy clothes because they love me ugly and they love me dressed up.
I want to go get soup afterwards that only cost $5 but spend two hours in conversation that is priceless.
I want to laugh and joke and talk about the Lord and talk about our husbands and talk about our kids and talk about the Lord some more.
I want to have someone else that can relate when I tell them, "No, I didn't like 'The Shack.' And yes, I thought 'Facing the Giants' might have been the worst acting. Ever."
And I want someone to tell me I need to pluck my eyebrows.
Kenda calls these moments, Little Debbie's. Just like the little snack cakes that don't take up too much room in your pantry - but sure do hit the spot when you eat them.
That's what today was. It was a Little Debbie kind of day.
It was...
And it perfectly hit the spot.
Do you have any Little Debbie's in your life?

I love Little Debbie kind of days. And the brownies too.
Glad you had a great day but I'm feeling like I'm not cute enough to be your friend now, especially if these are "low key" moments!! I guess I'll just remain "stalker" classification!
Yeah, I wasn't all over the Shack either, but so many people loved it.
I am totally with you. I love impulsive fun and a restaurant where you can hear each other talk. My roommate Laura and I used to just call the movie theatre up and then we HAD to go see whatever was starting next. Didn't matter what it was. Whatever was playing next we went to see, and usually ended up liking it. Except when we saw the Perfect Storm. Now I love me some George Clooney, but I had drowning nightmare for months after that one. Yikes.
You had me at "Swiss Cake Rolls". =)
My 2 bf's and I just go down to Starbucks and people watch. We just get a drink, gossip and make fun of people.
I am new to reading your blog. I guess you could say that I have "stalked" you a few times.
Today, I just had to tell you what a blessing I get out of readind your posts.
Love "your little debbie's".
I'll be back!
I start my week with Moms In Touch on Monday morning. We pray for our kids and our school, but lately we have been doing quite a bit of hanging out and laughing afterwards. Priceless AND free! They are the best. :-)
I can't get enough Little Debbie days, but I have, of recent, been frequenting our local radio station on Tuesday mornings to meet with 2 awesome ladies that are totally removed from my church. I love it. I can share my frustrations and struggles and I don't have to get dressed up. It's something I deeply look forward to....
Oh, and I try to tease my hair, but it just don't work for me. This chick on the right has the coolest hair I've ever seen. They are both gorgeous. As are you, my dear. Love you.
Love this post! Thank you for confessing that you did not like The Shack. I feel like I may get kicked out of my bible study if I say that!! I thought I was the only one!
Little Debbie days are the best!
A "whatwhat" to stretchy pants, Dr.Pepper, and Little Debbie moments=)
Totally with you on the low key plus good friends equals lots of fun! And...Amen, sister about Facing the Giants. Decent story line, but the hubs and I thought it was horrible.
I'm still trying to *finish* the shack. And whatever do you look at for eight hours when trying to decide what to wear?! I only HAVE three outfits that fit me--and dressing up means jeans and tshirt as opposed to the stretchy pants and T, right??? :)
I hear ya!! My favorite girls nights are sleepovers in our pjs where we don't have to go eat at a fancy restaurant or get all dolled up for each other. We can just be comfy and have some fun and much better conversations than you can have in public. Haha!
Oh honey I am ready to meet you anywhere... despite the distant. I got my 'rainbow brite' pants with the feel of terry cloth. My hair pinned back to avoid the fro about to explode... I just want to go see 'He Aint that Into You' and eat a double cheeseburger with fried cramed in my purse. And oh yeah, to have THE girlfriend that says its tiem to pluck (my chin, for heaven sake). OH I AM ALL OVER THIS... I am THE Nutter Butter girl!!
Thanks for picking me up of the floor... once again!!
I'm a low-key girl. I don't get dressed up for much of anything.
I am SO glad I'm not the only one who did not like The Shack! That book was just weird.
I couldn't even finish "The Shack" I finally just took it back to the church library because someone else was waiting on it!
Yep - love me some little debbie moments - but must must must have them more often.
We have a business women's networking group that we started - the name is Strictly Business - you can believe it is NOT at all!! We have a ball just hanging and talking, and it's a great way to support each other.
I'm so with you. Sometimes I just like to go to the store, get my favorite soda and candy and sit and eat it while listening to the radio. Everyone needs a time out.
When God turned out to be a big ol' Jamaican woman who loves to cook it totally lost me. I received a good hard kick to the gut in the 'pick two of your kids to go to hell' part, because it gave me a whole other view, but STILL..... I left that book not really certain what I thought of it. Except, that poor, poor little girl. That's it.
I don't have many of these "Little Debbie" moments. But hearing you describe it, I sure wish I did.
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