Aug 6, 2009

I Am Raising A Productive Member of Society.

These are the things that are important:

That she learn her ABC's.

That she knows that to "honor your father and mother" will bring a long and happy life that may or may not include Raisinets as rewards and/or bribery.

That she sees the episode of The Love Boat with the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders.

That she is able to distinguish the difference between the Paris that is expensive and the Paris that is cheap. (I'll let you determine which is which.)

And that she understands that before any good mascara - cheap or otherwise - can go on your eyes, your eyelashes must be curled. This is a must. She's gonna be a Texas girl, for goodness sake.

Oh, and that she understands in her deepest heart that batting those eyelashes will get you nowhere in that Texas heat without a little of this.

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.


Denise @ Sunflowers, Chocolate and Little Boys said...

I love this post....and it makes me even more thankful that I have all boys. None of those eyelash curlers in my home, lol

Sissy said...

I am so proud of your mothering skills. I don't curl my lashes or use hairspray, so my eventual daughter won't learn any of this. I may have to send her to you!

Rhonda said...

Just be prepared, Melissa, to endure constant battles over disappearing make up and hairspray that will eventually be found in totally random, insensible areas of her bedroom. But she didn't put any of it there herself. Nosiree!

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

Glad you are raising her right!

I curl every day.



Leah Bates said...

As a fellow Texan - thank you for raising that girl right! Gotta have the curled lashes and big hair here sista!!!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

What a cute post...and what a cute girl....I need to curl more often....

Melissa said...

Yes to all of that. And Bumpits. Must have Bumpits.

MOMSWEB said...

knock, knock...just dropping by to visit your bloghome. Love your blog!

Unknown said...

got my curler back out -- thanks for the reminder -- Texas girls should N.E.V.E.R. go without!@

G.B. said...

I gave you a blog award today....'cause someone else gave me one and asked me to pass it on to my three favorite of course, yours was my top pick. I love to read your blog:) Check out my post:

Thanks for making me smile!!