Dec 17, 2007

Just look.

I can't think of a catchy title. I can't even find anything humorous or witty to say. I just need you to take a look at this picture.

Have you ever seen anything this cute?

Granted, she was un-impressed by the whole ordeal.

There were no tears.

No screaming.

No running away in hysterics.

But nor were there any smiles, any laughter, or any sharing secret wishes.

There was just her. And him. And both seemed equally exhausted to see the other. He acted as if he was fast approaching an 18 hour work day and her an 18 hour play day.

(I don't know his excuse but that 18 hour thing was actually legit in her case.)

And so I had to share it. Because let's be honest, you don't come across a face like that every day.

Merry Christmas.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Omgoodness, I am in LOVE with that kid!!!